Who am I? Psychotherapeute à Ixelles

Welcome! I’m Aleksandra Nowak, a dedicated psychologist with a passion for understanding the intricacies of the human mind. Throughout my career, I’ve gained valuable clinical and therapeutic experience in various settings, including: Psychotherapeute à Ixelles

  • Various Psychotherapy Centers specializing in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Schema Therapy;
  • Personality Disorders Ward; Psychotherapeute à Ixelles
  • General Psychiatric Ward; Psychotherapeute Ixelles
  • Psychosis Treatment Center. Psy Ixelles

My responsibilities have encompassed individual therapy, diagnosing personality disorders, depression, and anxiety, as well as leading group therapy sessions within the Schema Therapy framework. Psychotherapeute à Ixelles

My educational background includes a Master’s degree in Psychology, and I am a cognitive-behavioral psychotherapist specializing in Schema Therapy. I’ve completed training in Schema Therapy and Dialectical behavior therapy.

Continuously striving to enhance my skills, I’ve attended numerous specialized training workshops and draw inspiration from prominent figures in therapy such as Marsha Linehan, Jeffrey Young, and Arnoud Arntz. Currently, I’m focused on third-wave CBT methodologies.

In my practice, I prioritize both theoretical understanding and practical application. I’ve undergone my own therapy and participated in numerous supervisions, ensuring that I provide ethical and professional services to my clients. I believe in a collaborative approach, fostering trust and empowerment as we navigate the journey of self-discovery and resilience together.

Psychotherapeute à Ixelles

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Psychologist - Ixelles